How Outsourcing Risk Reduction Services Could Keep Your Company Alive

What advantages do you get from outsourcing risk reduction services? Outsourcing risk reduction services allows you to get a specialist’s take on your facility safety plan and how to best implement it among your employees. It’s an integral step in keeping your workers safe, but it also helps lower your overall costs. Avoid accidents, incidents […]
Warning Signs of Workers’ Compensation Fraud

How can you spot Workers’ Compensation fraud? Workers’ compensation fraud affects roughly 30 percent of all claims. While it’s important to watch out for this problem, you want to give appropriate support to employees who are legitimately hurt on the job. It can be difficult to balance your responsibilities with suspicions that you are being […]
5 Benefits of Getting Insurance for Worker’s Compensation from a Trusted PEO

How to Save on Insurance for Worker’s Compensation. You can save on insurance for worker’s compensation by working with a reputable Professional Employer Organization, or PEO. Because they are taking a big risk, the right companies will put you through the wringer. They will flush out your vulnerabilities in the process and, you will be […]
The Ins and Outs of Worker’s Compensation Plans

How do PEOs Help You Manage Worker’s Compensation Plans? Worker’s compensation administration is the responsibility of nearly every company operating in the United States. Your employees and your business need protecting in case accidents or injuries occur while your workers are on the job. Einstein HR can help you decipher the differing types of policies […]
Safety First! How Workplace Safety Plans Affect Worker’s Compensation

How can comprehensive workplace safety plans keep your worker’s compensation claims under control? Worker’s compensation claims can take a huge chunk out of your budget, not to mention accidents and injury rob your business of talented staff. Design a smart safety plan to avoid problems. An experienced PEO like Einstein can help. Our clients trust […]
The 4 Benefits of Worker’s Compensation Risk Reduction Services

Managing Risks Helps Prevent Worker’s Compensation Claims and Penalties Just one worker’s compensation claim can hurt your profits. It’s important to have a generous insurance plan to protect both you and your employees, but an ounce of prevention really is worth a pound of cure. Calling in a professional worker’s compensation administration services company who […]
The 3 Most Surprising Things About Worker’s Compensation Reporting

Handle Worker’s Compensation Reporting with Ease Worker’s compensation is a necessary evil for business owners, as well as a huge benefit to your workers in case trouble comes their way. Unfortunately, it’s not enough to just invest in coverage. You need to stay current with reporting requirements, or hire those responsibilities out to a reliable […]
Sick And Tired Of Handling Workers’ Compensation The Old Way? Read This

Hire a Reputable PEO to Handle Your Worker’s Compensation Insurance Traditionally, workers’ compensation payments start with a down payment and monthly or quarterly payments, and all of it is based on an estimate of your company’s yearly payroll. That means that a year-end audit is necessary to find out if you paid more or less […]