Easing The Pain When It Comes to Workers’ Compensation Reporting Laws

Do you know how your workers’ compensation claims are faring with Workers’ Compensation Reporting Laws? Workers’ compensation reporting laws are one of the most confusing aspects of managing employees, but it is critical to understand the correct way to file claims. In some jurisdictions, mistakes can cost you $1000 or more apiece. In addition, if […]
Safety First! How Workplace Safety Plans Affect Worker’s Compensation

How can comprehensive workplace safety plans keep your worker’s compensation claims under control? Worker’s compensation claims can take a huge chunk out of your budget, not to mention accidents and injury rob your business of talented staff. Design a smart safety plan to avoid problems. An experienced PEO like Einstein can help. Our clients trust […]
The 4 Benefits of Worker’s Compensation Risk Reduction Services

Managing Risks Helps Prevent Worker’s Compensation Claims and Penalties Just one worker’s compensation claim can hurt your profits. It’s important to have a generous insurance plan to protect both you and your employees, but an ounce of prevention really is worth a pound of cure. Calling in a professional worker’s compensation administration services company who […]