Advantages of Starting PEO Services in the New Year

How do the advantages of starting PEO service contracts compare to the alternatives? The advantages of starting PEO service contracts can be hard to see if you don’t fully understand the alternatives. Outsourcing, obviously, saves time on equipment, training and employee retention, but if you don’t play your cards right, you won’t save as much […]
The Ins and Outs of Worker’s Compensation Plans

How do PEOs Help You Manage Worker’s Compensation Plans? Worker’s compensation administration is the responsibility of nearly every company operating in the United States. Your employees and your business need protecting in case accidents or injuries occur while your workers are on the job. Einstein HR can help you decipher the differing types of policies […]
What Does The Employer Mandate Delay Mean For My Business?

On Tuesday, July 2, 2013, the employer mandate portion of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) was delayed for one year. This reprieve was given to allow business more time to coordinate a data collection system for reporting. Even though the employer mandate has been delayed, the rest of the Act will still be enforced. […]