Is Your Pre-Employment Screening Policy Really Doing You Any Favors?

Here’s how you can optimize your pre-employment screening policy. How much does your pre-employment screening policy really help you? We all know it’s meant to weed out undesirable candidates, but how well is it executed? Do you know how to use it for all it’s worth? Consider the essential elements of an effective pre-employment screening […]
How Outsourcing Risk Reduction Services Could Keep Your Company Alive

What advantages do you get from outsourcing risk reduction services? Outsourcing risk reduction services allows you to get a specialist’s take on your facility safety plan and how to best implement it among your employees. It’s an integral step in keeping your workers safe, but it also helps lower your overall costs. Avoid accidents, incidents […]
Top 4 Advantages of Online Human Resources

How do the advantages of online human resources tap into the power of disruptive technology? The advantages of online human resources aren’t limited to savings or convenience. They’ve entirely changed the way we handle HR, leading to the most effective decision-making and employees who feel more satisfied in their jobs. All of these benefits fuel […]
The Relationship between Employee Self Service and Employer Statutory Compliance

Why is self-service in HR insignificant compared to employer statutory compliance? Business owners who are afraid to implement employee self-service portals for payroll and benefits are often afraid of employer statutory compliance violations. These unfounded worries are preventing huge savings from being realized and prevent businesses from improving workplace morale. Put fears aside and look […]
Time and Attendance Data Collection Made Easy

It pays to invest in data collection, even when employees are on salary. The benefit of data collection has been fully realized across industries and within organizations. Big data – massive amounts of pooled information too large for most programs to deal with – is being mined for its potential to predict not only the […]
Breaking Down the Basics of Employee Leasing

How did I go without employee leasing for so long? No, employee leasing is not a new name for slave labor. You aren’t outsourcing work to under-qualified candidates either. When you lease an employee, you work with dedicated professionals who have excellent reputations. You save so many ways, however, it almost seems too good to […]
3 Things Every Business Owner Should Know About Joining an Atlanta (PEO) Professional Employer Organization

The Perks to Professional Employer Organization Membership Joining a professional employer organization opens the door to more experienced human resource teams, more affordable benefit plans and lower liabilities. Attract higher quality workers and save money in the process. Here’s how a PEO can help. Safely Navigate Employer Regulations There are dozens of laws now governing […]
Sick And Tired Of Handling Workers’ Compensation The Old Way? Read This

Hire a Reputable PEO to Handle Your Worker’s Compensation Insurance Traditionally, workers’ compensation payments start with a down payment and monthly or quarterly payments, and all of it is based on an estimate of your company’s yearly payroll. That means that a year-end audit is necessary to find out if you paid more or less […]
What Does The Employer Mandate Delay Mean For My Business?

On Tuesday, July 2, 2013, the employer mandate portion of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) was delayed for one year. This reprieve was given to allow business more time to coordinate a data collection system for reporting. Even though the employer mandate has been delayed, the rest of the Act will still be enforced. […]