Using Agile in HR

Today’s business organizations are required to be agile. It’s the ability to respond rapidly to changes in the marketplace without losing their original vision or momentum is what can mean either success or failure. In a recent article that appeared on the website, Jeff Gothelf asserts that the same holds true for the HR […]

Why Employees Love Appreciation

No matter how long someone has been on the job, every employee appreciates a little recognition or even a reward for a job well done. According to a recent article that appeared on the HR Technologist website, it’s human nature to want to feel valued and special for who they are and the work that […]

Software Helps Remove Unconscious Bias in Hiring

In today’s workplace, many companies are focusing on diversity. While resumes provide potential employers with an idea about who a worker is, things such as gender, race, age, ethnic origins of a name and other significant factors can also come into play, often unconsciously. In a recent article appearing at there are new pieces […]

HR and VR? Walmart is Going for it

There’s little doubt that in the past two decades, technology has changed nearly everything around us and will continue to do so. Companies are now looking at how the budding technology of Virtual Reality (VR) can help them train employees and enhance the overall customer experience. In a recent article at Retail Dive, Wal-Mart set […]

You Have To Stay Compliant With Laws

Today, more than ever, HR professionals must not only make decisions to get the right result for the organizations they work for, but they must also be able to have defensible outcomes that also mitigate risk. In a recent article that appeared at that means in any decisions made regarding people management, HR professionals […]

H-1B Visas Under Threat By Executive Order

The flagrant abuse of the H-1B Visa program has caused the Trump administration to take a hard look at putting in place more limitations. According to a recent article in Personnel Today, President Trump issued his Buy American and Hire American on April 18th, 2017.  The executive order is designed to enforce and administer the […]

House Passes ACA Repeal, Now Goes To Senate

Last week, the United States House of Representatives voted to replace the Affordable Care Act or Obamacare on the narrowest of margins. The resolution to repeal passed by a single vote. In order to indicate just how contentious this issue has become, not a single Democrat voted in favor of the repeal. According to an […]

Social Media Activity Isn’t Private

In today’s world of social media, sometimes it’s difficult to keep separate one’s professional persona in the workplace and the persona that one has in their personal life. According to a recent article by Jon Hyman that appeared at, those lines can blur between what is considered private, and what is out there for […]

Funding of ACA Subsidies In Doubt

Confusion about the future of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and what funds will be available to help lower-income Americans in paying their out of pocket healthcare expenses continues.  For the heads of health insurance companies who wanted answers on what the future may hold, there was little answer from Seema Verma, Administrator of the […]

How to Put Your Best Benefits Foot Forward

HR managers know that when they’re recruiting, letting new staff candidates know about the benefits of working for their company is important. Not to highlight those benefits can mean all the difference on whether a potential new-hire accepts the offer of working for that organization or not. The key to making sure that top talent […]

Genetic Testing Raises Employee Hackles

There’s a battle heating up in the workplace and it’s over healthcare and privacy matters regarding employee wellness programs within companies. In a recent article that appeared at by Andie Birjek, the latest contention comes over HR 1313, otherwise known as the Preserving Employee Wellness Program Act. It is aimed at helping employers continue […]

Tech, Bad Behavior & the Absence of HR

    Rarely a day goes by without Uber or another Silicon Valley tech giant somewhere in the headlines, often for something negative. Uber has been besieged by lawsuits of one kind or another, most regarding how the company addresses its drivers and internal personnel. The latest charge of sexual harassment and discrimination has come […]

Workplace Wellness Programs Growing Fast

n Since the 1980’s the idea of wellness programs has gone from something that few companies were even interested in to being more and more integrated into the work life for most Americans today. Wellness programs in the workplace are now even being integrated into the entire culture of some corporate organizations. Emily Noll of […]

What are the Causes for Workplace Stress? Opinions Differ

While employees and employers can agree that workplace stress can cause both physical and mental concerns, the reasons why are not. In a recent article that appeared at, managers and executives have no problem in admitting that technology can attribute to worker stress. Often employees feel pressured to be constantly available. This can cause […]

How a PEO can Help Your Business

Entrepreneurs and business owners want to be able to focus on the products and services they bring to the marketplace. In order to be able to focus on what advantages that they bring to potential clients and customers that the competition might not is important. Day to day operations can take away from management being […]

Ex-Uber Employee Accuses Company of Rampant Sexism

It seems Uber is once again in the hot seat over its policies, especially in how it treats its drivers and in its response to President Trump’s travel ban last month. The most recent setback involves former Uber software engineer, Susan Fowler, and has gotten even more people crying out for users to “Delete Uber”. […]

EEOC to Shift Focus toward Job Growth

Today in Washington D.C. the name of the game is change.  Change is inevitable every time a new administration takes the helm from the one before it. During the Obama administration, the EEOC focused mainly on enforcing and furthering laws that addressed issues of discrimination in the workplace. Now under the Trump Administration with the […]

How to Discover a Workplace Liar

No one wants to think about it, but it’s a reality we have to face, especially in the world of work: people can and do lie. According to a recent article which appeared in Human Resources Online, there are several different ways to determine if a coworker is not telling you the truth? Inconsistent Details […]

Employees Prefer Promotion to Raises

When asked whether employees prefer a pay raise to a promotion, the overwhelming majority of workers opt for a promotion. According to a recent survey of 1,200 professionals from around the world, more than half, some 63% indicated that they would prefer to receive a promotion – even if it meant no salary increase for […]

Gender Stereotypes Still Bias the Workplace

Equality in the workplace continues to be a challenge. In an independent study conducted by Unilever, much of this is because of stereotypes, biases, and social norms that have persisted among workers of both sexes. Who’s buying into these beliefs left over from a bygone era? According to the study that involved 9000 participants, 77% […]

Company Culture Matters

Today’s company management teams may be relieved to know that according to a recent study, they may not have to choose between keeping their workers happy and making a profit. In a study conducted by the IBM Smarter Workforce Institute and the Globoforce WorkHuman Research Institute, the data suggests that if workers are happy it […]

ACA Preparations Still Continue Despite Uncertainty

In spite of Donald Trump’s campaign promise to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act and the Republican-led Congress to set that process in motion, employers are still moving full steam ahead in order to be in compliance with the current law that is in place. According to Steve Wojcik, Vice President of Public Policy […]

Goals and Trends for HR in 2017

It’s a brand new year, and every year goals and resolutions get made. HR professionals are taking a good hard look at their goals for 2017 and also at the current trends in making human resources an integral player in their organizations. According to a recent article at by Greg Moran, president and CEO […]

Compliance Issues in 2017

The election of Donald Trump’s as President of the United States has left employers wondering how the changing of the guard will change the landscape in the world of work. There is no doubt that the President-elect is more business-oriented than pro-labor. How will this affect compliance issues? According to Xpert HR’s annual survey of […]

HR in the Restaurant Industry

Of all of the industries, the foodservice and restaurant industry has the higher employee turnover rate than any other. Meeting the challenge of keeping your restaurant running smoothly means having a good staff in place. Thus, managing your human capital in any foodservice establishment is important to your success and essential to your customers.It is […]