Are You Staying Compliant This Tax Season?

No matter what kind of industry you are in, the beginning of a new year can be the perfect time to update and review your company’s current human resource documents and procedures. Doing an annual review of HR procedures, records and compliance are important in order to prevent potential liabilities or lawsuits. In an article […]

Winter Absenteeism Could Be Due To Mental Health Issues

The holidays are now over and people are getting back to their daily lives at work. HR professionals and managers know that’s this is the time of year when there’s a dramatic increase in the level of absenteeism. In an article by Ashlieh Wight that appeared on the Personnel Today website, January 15, dubbed as […]

Iceland Poised To Make Gender Pay Inequality Illegal

Women in today’s workforce may find it a little easier to imagine a world where they can achieve equal pay under the law. That’s because last week Iceland enacted new legislation that says any company or governmental agency with more than 25 people on staff will be required to have government certification of compliance under […]

Fewer Employers Asking About Pay To Remove Pay Gaps

When going on an interview for a new job, it’s rare when the question about how much money you are currently making comes up. All of that may be changing, however, and it’s all in the name of closing the age-old problem of the wage gap. In a recent article appearing at, because employers […]

Resumes in 2018

It can be a challenge to know how to create a resume that will put you ahead of the competition. According to a recent article appearing on the CNBC website,  it’s a good idea for those stepping out into the job market in 2018 to do a little bit of homework first. One of the […]

Do You Know The Cost Of Losing a Good Hire?

Almost everyone either knows or has heard of a worker who would have been a bad fit for the organization or position that they were hired for. In a recent article that appeared on the Human Resources Online website, author Bridgett Hall drew on a recent survey that was recently conducted by CareerBuilder through Harris […]

Hidden Diseases That Could Be Raising Employer Insurance Costs

There is no question that health insurance and health insurance premiums are of a concern to everyone.   In an effort to help reduce costs across the board, companies have put many wellness initiatives in place in an effort to help their employees get a better handle on their health. Many of these company-sponsored wellness programs […]

Many Minority Employees Feel That Their Careers Are Hampered By Discrimination

It’s hard to believe that more than fifty years after the passage of the Civil Rights Act, workers around the world still face discrimination in the workplace.  In the United States, being able to have a safe workplace that is free of discrimination or harassment is guaranteed by federal law.  It is certainly a reasonable […]

Talking To HR About Toxic Individuals

No one should ever have to endure a toxic work situation. When a team or even a boss makes work time nearly unbearable, the only option for some workers is to simply walk away. In an article appearing on the Huffington Post, Heather Spruill, HR Manager, recently recounted a letter she received from a reader […]

Learning in the Workplace a Growing Problem for Executives

The pace of change in the workplace today comes at breakneck speed.  Both workers and the organizations they work for are constantly seeking to upgrade skills and their knowledge base. Many feel the need for a nearly constant effort in order to keep up and stay relevant.  In a recent article appearing at, a […]

The Newest Changes in HR Technology

Like most other areas of business, the world of human resources management has been greatly affected by advances in technology. In a recent article that appeared on the Benefits News website, technology writer Dan Stanley cited a report released by PricewaterhouseCoopers in the first part of 2017. In the report PwC’s survey focused on the […]

LGBT Workers Still Quitting Over Workplace Bullying

According to a survey conducted by CareerBuilder and Harris Poll, of the LGBT workers surveyed, 41% indicated that they were bullied enough on the job that it made them quit.   In a report written by Valerie Bolden-Barret on the HRDive Website, the survey was conducted with a total of 3,215 private sector employees, 238 […]

The Problems of HR in Hollywood and Tech

Millions of women have stepped forward on social media to illustrate just how pervasive the problem is in modern society truly is. The watershed moment seems to have come after a long list of actresses and other women who are professionals within the film industry accused film producer Harvey Weinstein, his brother Bob, and the […]

AI Is Coming To HR

It seems that just about everyone is talking about artificial intelligence (AI) these days. According to a recent article by writer Shaun Sutner on the SearchHR Software website at the upcoming 20th annual HR Technology Conference and Exposition, AI along with HR benefits automation is will probably be getting the lion’s share of attention as […]

IRS Continues Crackdown on Pre-Tax Benefits for Workplace Healthcare Premiums

As the healthcare debate gets ready to heat up once again, the IRS has shut down any form or arrangement that would allow employees to pay pre-tax benefits such as healthcare premiums. These are sometimes marketed to employers as a legal way to avoid employment taxes or to reimburse workers for most if not all […]

How HR Is Handling DACA Crisis

HR professionals are again on the front lines and have become a part of the growing national debate over immigration reform in the United States. President Trump recently announced to phase out over the next six months the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals or DACA program. This is not the first time that such controversial […]

Obama Administration Overtime Rule Declared Invalid

On Friday of last week in the state of Texas, a federal struck down an Department of Labor final order issued under the Obama Administration regarding overtime and declared it to be invalid.  In an article that appeared on the SHRM website, the order would have made more than 4 million exempt employees eligible for […]

HR and Disaster Recovery

Not since 2008 has a major hurricane struck the state of Texas. Before Harvey made landfall, however, communities were coming together in preparation for the coming storm. Many of them made sure that their workers were safe and made continuity plans for the business should the worst actually come to pass. In a recent article […]

Discrimination, The Workplace, and Violent Rallies

A recent rally held in Charlottesville, Virginia by white nationalists and the violence that erupted has served to inspire public discussion about hate speech and discrimination as they relate to the work environment. According to a recent article that appeared at Marketplace.Org, several people who took part in the white nationalist rally were identified via […]

Employees Working More Off The Clock To Keep Up

The Rand corporation has released the results of a new survey that indicates more than half of employees reveal that they work off the clock in addition to their regular working hours. In an article that appeared on the website,Valerie Bolden-Barret reports that in addition to the number of employees working outside of business […]

Small Business Owners Require HR Help When A Problem Arises

Small business owners tend to view every aspect of their operations as a do-it-yourself proposition. When these businesses need to hire, make out payroll and other operations, often it is the business owner that ends up wearing all of the hats. In a recent article that appeared on the Finance Commerce website, for small business […]

Standard HR Departments Overworked

It’s no secret that in today’s job market, HR professionals have more to do than ever before.  In a recent article which appeared on, Valerie Bolden-Barrett writes that today staffing is an astounding 100 employees for 1.4 members of HR staff. These numbers, according to an annual study conducted by Bloomberg BNA, puts the […]

Leadership Comes From Within

The never-ending question of what exactly makes up leadership keeps cropping up. What is it that makes a leader? Is it learning the skills outlined within a worker’s given job description – or is it something deeper still? In a recent article that recently appeared on the website, most companies will hold leadership training […]

Recruitment Metrics You Need to Follow

The struggle that today’s HR recruitment teams are now facing is a very real one. Getting not only qualified but the best new hires is a battle that shows no sign of abating anytime soon. Add cost and time constraints that many organizations place on their current HR department or PEO and they can find […]

Watch Your Compensation Contracts!

Without a doubt there is a difference from making an honest mistake at work and making a really big one. No HR professional wants to be the one who makes one that ends up costing $2,666,594.03. According to a recent article appearing on the Inc. website, Francois El-Hayek, who had worked at Trico Products Corporation […]