AI May Make HR More Meaningful

While some HR professionals are apprehensive about the changes that AI will bring to their profession, a recent article appearing on the Employee Benefits News (EBN) website suggests that some of those fears may be unfounded. There is no doubt that AI is changing the face of the profession, but that doesn’t mean that people […]

Finding The Sweet Spot For Parental Leave

Giving new parents and caregivers adequate time for family leave is an important part of any employee benefits package. Some companies, of course, are more generous than others when it comes time to take care of family needs. It can be a balancing act for companies to determine how much time off is enough and […]

Getting Disengaged Workers Back Into The Game

Work teams are an integral and important part of nearly every organization. It can be a delicate balance to get a group of people to work together. In a recent article appearing on the Busines2Community website, author, Natalie Baumgartner, cited a Gallup survey which found that 16% of workers are “actively disengaged”. Disengaged workers are […]

Modernize Or Perish!

Over the past decade, the digital revolution has changed every aspect of our modern day lives. In the workforce, digitization is leading the way for HR professionals in terms of recruitment, benefits management, and the overall operations of organizations. In an article which appeared on the HR Dive website, contributing editor Valerie Bolden-Barrett believes that […]

Is Employee Safety On Your Mind When Bad Weather Strikes?

The recent polar vortex put millions of people in danger through snow, ice, and record cold with life-threatening windchill factors. Going outside was not only difficult, in locations throughout the Midwest like Chicago, Minneapolis and other states in the Great Plains, but frostbite was occurring in less than five minutes of exposure while others died […]

Are You Using Employee Data Responsibly?

Our personal information is more valuable than at any other time in history. The lines between what employees keep private and what is public are closely scrutinized by employers. How employees’ personal data is used has become an increasing cause for concern. According to a story by Eric Rosenbaum which appeared on the CNBC website, […]

Will AI Benefit HR?

By now, most HR professionals realize what a game changer, artificial intelligence or AI is to the industry across the board. In an article appearing on the UK’s HR News website, guest blogger, Julie Provino wonders what all of the increased automation will mean for both workers and HR as an industry. Provino asserts that […]

Progress Made For Paying Government Workers After The Shutdown

While there seems to be no end in sight for the partial government shutdown, some of the furloughed workers seem to have gotten a bit of good news. According to an article which appeared on the Government Executive website, President Trump signed into law on Wednesday a bill which would ensure 350,000 workers who have […]

Big Changes Coming To Employer-Provided Health Insurance

Workers and their families could see some big, yet positive changes coming to their employer-provided health insurance in 2019.   A recent article appearing on the SHRM website indicates some big key benefits that may end up being rather positive. Because the increase in healthcare costs in the U.S. have continued to rise and put […]

Do You Have A Wellness Plan At Your Workplace?

Corporate wellness programs are big business in the U.S. In the interests of keeping workers happy and healthy, according to recent surveys, companies are spending billions every year in offering benefits which include gym memberships, yoga classes, and healthy offerings on the menu in their onsite cafeterias. However, according to a recent article appearing on […]

Rudolph: A Story About Implicit Bias In Hiring

Not everyone would think of the favorite holiday tale of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer as being a tale illustrating implicit bias. Somehow, however, Verrill Dana writing managed to show just why it works it might be a rather fitting example written for JD Like Rudolph who was laughed at, called names and excluded from […]

How To Lead In Human Resources

Every HR professional strives to be effective in their job and to their respective organization. But what does it take to be a leader in the world of human resources?  The staff of Human Resources Director Magazine -Australia recently outlined a few ideas on the subject on their website. In a research project conducted by […]

Children’s Toy Leads To #MeToo Complaints In Iowa Government

Not everyone agrees that jokes and horseplay at work is “harmless” – especially if there are sexual innuendos attached to it. In the era of the #MeToo movement and increased scrutiny regarding workplace sexual harassment, such humor, though it might seem harmless, actually can cause discomfort among employees and is generally not appropriate for the […]

HR Professional Underprepared To Address Opioid Addictions

Recent government studies have shown that opioid addiction in the United States has reached epidemic proportions. When in pain, people naturally will go to the doctor for a prescription when they are and in pain. If this class of medications is taken for just a short time, an opioid prescription can make a difference in […]

Managers Might Not Be As Good As They Think, According To New HR Study

When someone reaches the level of being a manager within their organization, it’s only natural for them to assume that they are also going to be good coaches for members of their team. According to an article appearing on the HR Dive website, a recent study among HR professionals conducted by Betterworks indicates that there […]

Why HR Outsourcing Works

Due to the ever-changing HR landscape, many companies have found that outsourcing their HR needs is the best way for them to go. There are a number of factors that leaders of an organization should ask themselves before deciding to outsource their human resource tasks. Will they be handling recruitment, payroll, on-boarding and training? With […]

AI Recruitment Tools Are Becoming More Common To Save Time

A chief challenge for companies today is to find the right candidate for a job. According to a recent article appearing on the Raconteur website, Jeffery Ng, chief scientist, says that more and more HR professionals are turning to artificial intelligence or AI. Researchers have indicated that many recruiters spend 79% of their time sifting […]

The Cost Of The Flu To Businesses

Almost no one likes the prospect of getting a shot – even if it’s to keep you from getting sick. Every year, employers face the headache of trying to convince their workers just how important it is to get their yearly flu vaccine. For some, avoiding the shot can be because of schedule conflicts, the […]

Do Women Need More Help To Make It In Tech?

Many women dream of finding a dream career in tech. Even with recent pushes to get more women and girls interested in jobs in STEM fields, according to a recent survey conducted of 6,898 women from around the world, women have found that there are challenges. In an article appearing on Human Resources Online website, […]

Bosses, Stop Taking Credit For Your Subordinate’s Work!

The problem of bosses or superiors taking credit for the work of their subordinates or teams is far more common than many would think. There are few things worse for workers than to have come up with a solution to a problem or submit an idea on how to do things more effectively and then […]

Reducing The Stress Of Performance Reviews

It seems that no matter how good someone is at their job, almost everyone feels the stress of the performance review. There are several ways, however, that managers and organizations can reduce the stress for workers receiving the reviews and those who are giving them. The Forbes Human Resources Council recently shared their ideas on […]

Watch Out For Internal Spoofed Emails

The FBI recently issued a warning to employees and HR departments about spoofed emails which may appear to come from inside their company. In an article appearing on the WAFB website, the latest rash of scams from cybercriminals is going after the pay of workers across a number of industries. The federal agency warns that […]

Are You Ready For Your Interviewees?

Every job seeker knows that it’s a good idea to be at their best every time they go in for an interview. What HR professionals may not know, however, is that candidates are probably evaluating the person who is conducting the interview and the company that they work for as well. In an article which […]

Job Perks Younger Workers Are Looking For

If you ask, most workers will tell you that they are no fan of working in a cubicle. In a recent story appearing on Human Resources Online writer Anthony Wong, it’s modern office design that veers away from 40 hours in a cubicle that appeals to younger workers the most. A recent survey conducted by […]

Signs Your HR Department Is In Trouble

Among today’s workforce, there is a growing cynicism about whose needs Human Resource Departments really serve. According to an article which appeared on the Psychology Today website, many workers don’t follow the advice of career advisors by going to HR because they believe that by doing it can make the situation even worse in the […]