Corporate wellness programs are big business in the U.S. In the interests of keeping workers happy and healthy, according to recent surveys, companies are spending billions every year in offering benefits which include gym memberships, yoga classes, and healthy offerings on the menu in their onsite cafeterias.
However, according to a recent article appearing on the Global Times, in spite of spending billions on wellness programs, more workers are aging and as the employment market becomes tighter, the cost of healthcare has remained consistent. Wellness programs push toward important annual screenings, immunizations and developing good habits.
The Kaiser Family Foundation found that the real difference comes is helping those workers who have chronic health issues such as diabetes, asthma and emphysema to help them manage and maintain their health and keep them out of the hospital. A Rand study found that one large US employer saw nearly a fourfold return on the company’s investment into their corporate wellness program.
While most companies and their workers won’t see those kinds of results overall, it may be that such programs go a long way toward boosting employee morale. HR professionals have found that those organizations which offered generous employee wellness programs that include gym memberships at the company’s expense were looked at more favorably by potential candidates.