Having the right HR policies in place can be the life or death of any organization. Making the right choices of policy and implementing them is key.

In a recent article that appeared on the Forbes Magazine website, they asked members of their HR Research Council about common mistakes that HR departments can make that can end up exacting a high price. Here are some from the article:

Relying solely on the interview for hiring decisions – Lisa Whealon of GL Group suggests that some candidates excel at this part of the hiring process great at selling themselves. By initiating more steps in the interview process that are based on the company’s culture, you can prevent the time and expense of choosing someone who is a bad fit.

Unclear or Ineffective Onboarding Processes – Brooke Peterson of Skyfii says that having a good onboarding plan can help new hires become more effective in their careers and help build confidence. Having a clearly mapped program that gives in-depth company information as well as job-specific training is among the most effective approaches for the onboarding process.

Not acting on employee-related issues or concerns – According to Evan Lassiter of Cloudreach, employees come to HR with problems. If those problems are ignored or worse, swept under the rug, it can cause further problems among team members, costing the company in terms of productivity and can produce a hostile work environment. HR managers need to show that they care about workers and can help find solutions.



Be sure to check out the article on the Forbes website for further insights by top HR professionals.