If you ask, most workers will tell you that they are no fan of working in a cubicle. In a recent story appearing on Human Resources Online writer Anthony Wong, it’s modern office design that veers away from 40 hours in a cubicle that appeals to younger workers the most.

A recent survey conducted by the UK job portal Totaljobs, asked 260 employers and some 1,005 employees within the UK if they thought that office environment and other similar amenities help in keeping workers happier on the job. Of these, some 25% of respondents believed this to be the case. In addition, 27% of those interviewed also said that they believed that a pleasant work environment could be instrumental in inspiring and even enhancing worker productivity levels.

Companies which understand that work shouldn’t always just be a place to stay nose down and task-oriented, but rather offer a more relaxed environment do seem to keep workers happier and with their organizations longer.

Some of the desired on-the-job amenities that workers most mentioned in the Totaljobs survey were:

Employers that offer other perks such as discount gym memberships and affiliated store discounts also got high marks in the survey.