Outsourcing is the practice of having specific job tasks done outside the company instead of hiring an in-house staff. Human resources (HR) outsourcing involves the practice of having specific HR job tasks done outside the company. To determine which business needs will be met by outsourcing HR functions, we will need to help you:


A lot of your business needs can be met by outsourcing your human resources tasks to Einstein HR, but the more specific answer depends on your personal business needs. For instance, do you need us to merely complete your payroll tasks only or is there a list of HR functions your business requires? Answering questions like that will go a long way to deciding if your business needs can be meet by outsourcing to Einstein HR. Get the process started today by filling out our contact form.

Until you determine which needs will be met by outsourcing your human resources department, here are some general benefits of HR outsourcing.

Reduced Risk of Getting Legal Trouble

You may not think about this, but the government is involved with almost every aspect of HR. This includes taxes, health care and other regulations. These rules are constantly changing. Many businesses do not have the time or resources to keep abreast of the constant changes. One mistake can cause you to pay hefty penalties. This is money your company cannot afford to give to a government agency.

You will also decrease the risk of lawsuits. Lawsuits such as harassment, discrimination and safety violations are common in business. Einstein HR will assist you in minimizing your risk of getting in legal trouble by:

Enhance Your Company’s HR Expertise

Your company provides a service or product. That service or product has nothing to do with human resources. However, you still need enhanced expertise to handle HR functions. Outsourcing to us will help you because your HR duties are our sole focus. We offer specialists for every human resources tasks.

Lower Costs and Make Cash Flow More Predictable

An in-house HR department is costly. You must hire a staff and pay them an hourly wage or salary. Outsourcing these tasks are more cost-effective because we charge a flat rate and are often less expensive than hiring an in-house staff.

Another business need that may be met is making cash flow more predictable. Unpredictable costs often arise when you handle your own HR functions. These unpredictable costs include:

HR outsourcing allows you to stabilize your expenses.

Level the Playing Field between You and Your Competitors

It doesn’t matter your product or service is. You are competing in a market with large and small companies. Many of the larger companies have in-house HR departments. You cannot match their standards or what they offer their employees because you are doing your own HR work. One way to level the playing field in your industry between you, mid-size and large companies is by outsourcing HR tasks. This gives you the ability to compete with them.

Get the Most Common Human Resources Functions out of Your Hands

One important tasks of any human resources department are hiring, recruiting and the day-to-day employee issues. These are things that aren’t part of your business focus. You can outsource the following things to meet your business needs:

Your Business Needs includes either PEO or ASO

Your company may need more specific HR outsourcing like PEO or ASO. The initials PEO stands for Professorial Employer Organization. This HR specialty involves providing administrative services related to your responsibilities regarding employees. ASO, or Administrative Services Organizations, provides more administrative focus on your employees. This includes processing their tax identification numbers.

What to Know More about How We Can Help You?

You are not in the HR business, so why should your focus be on complying with government regulations, hiring employees and hunting down the best insurance? Let us handle your human resources duties for you. This will assist you in meeting your business needs and exceling. Stay competitive with other companies in your industry. Contact Einstein HR or 770-962-1700 immediately for help.