What You Need to Know Today to Get the Best from Your 4-G Team

Your figure may be 10-12%, or even 40-50%, but if your business is experiencing anything approaching the astronomical 200-300% turnover rates prevalent in the hospitality industry, you know the administrative and HR nightmare that comes from managing four distinct generations in a single workplace. It’s a management environment that demands a fresh consideration of motivation and how to foster employee engagement.

Never before in recorded business history have we had four generations of workers in the marketplace at the same time. While Baby Boomers, Gen X, Gen Y, and Millennials work side by side, in many important ways they are worlds apart. The aim for anyone leading or managing a team is to bring out the very best of each member, which now requires knowing how to motivate workers from especially diverse generational cultures.

What motivates a Boomer will leave a Millennial cold. What nudges a Gen Y worker to step up his performance leaves a Gen X’er unfazed and unchanged. As a manager, you know first-hand the challenges that come from trying to inspire and motivate your multi-generational team: what works with some, backfires with others.

Meet the Generations

employee engagement across generationsPut the Carrot and Stick on Ice

Take any Management class and you’ll learn all you need to know about carrot and stick employee motivation – except that it no longer works, especially with the youngest members of the workforce. Carrots and sticks are great at prodding some employees toward compliance, but completely ineffective at boosting the sort of engagement that inspires stellar customer service, market-disrupting creativity, and impeccable integrity.

Managers today are beginning to see the futility of using external motivators to try to wring the best possible results from their youngest employees. While the older generations would have gone to herculean lengths to earn a merit bonus or to avoid a performance-based pay cut, these motivators prompt no more than a yawn from the next generation.

The Name of the Game Now Is Engagement

When workers are engaged, they feel valued, as if the sacrifice of their time and autonomy to further an employer’s goals is worthwhile. Engaged workers are absorbed in their jobs, producing their best work as if they had primary ownership of it. They feel connected with their colleagues, eager to collaborate, cooperate, and even cover for one another when needed.

In an environment where engagement is lacking, turnover is high, and profits and morale subsequently tumble. Workers long to have a passion for their jobs, to feel fulfilled, and to be challenged to excel.

Engagement is, surprisingly, not necessarily the hallmark of your highest-paid, most seasoned workers. In more than 40% of organizations, it is the low performers who are more engaged than their higher-performing coworkers.

In a recent “State of the American Workplace” report from Gallup, managers get confirmation of what they’ve already intuited:

Engagement Makes a Difference to the Bottom Line

How to Foster Employee Engagement

Boosting feelings of being connected, fulfilled, passionate, and challenged is now mission critical for managers. But how is that accomplished?
The first step is throwing the carrot and stick model of management away. Extrinsic motivation is obsolete; intrinsic motivation is the new aim. As Dan Pink discussed in his 2009 TEDGlobal talk, managers now get the best results when they AMP up their workforce.

In addition to building AMP into your company’s culture, it’s also important to re-think how you handle reviews, compensation, and rewards. Considering these matters can save your business the needless expenses incurred with high turnover, typically three- to four-times the salary of the departing worker, once you consider the cost of hiring and training new employees.

employee engagement atlantaAsk Them What They Want

Older generations hung in there, whether they liked their jobs or not, for the promise of a 3% increase each year. For them, the annual review was the norm: here’s what you’ve done well, what you didn’t do so well, and how you can improve.

The younger generations, maybe conditioned by the immediacy of social media, want instant feedback on their performance – especially if it is favorable. They are somewhat unaffected by the threat of being fired, because they believe finding another job will be fast and easy and that job changes are to be expected. Pay, as long as it is adequate, is a less important motivator. It is the intangibles that matter most.

You may discover that Millennials want much more than just a paycheck and a robust set of benefits. They want recognition, flex time, the opportunity to fulfill their dreams.

While the adjustment to a management and motivation style that resonates with the younger generations may seem inane to some, it’s important to remember that within the next decade, many of the Boomer generation will be retired. The workforce will be comprised of the younger generations.

The challenge for you as a business owner or manager is to find ways to keep your employees engaged. Do this, and you will enjoy the profitable benefits that come from more consistent delivery of your products and services, better customer service, and avoidance of the high costs associated with rapid turnover.

About the Author
Layne Davlin, founded Einstein HR in 2007 after years in the human resources industry. He provides a host of integrated human resource solutions to solve personnel issues for his clients, showing them better ways to attract, manage, and retain their workers. You can download a free white paper explaining the benefits of using a professional employer organization (PEO).